Watch. Learn. Discover.

Sifting the Evidence: The World of the Bible | Dr. Chris Sinkinson
What does archaeology tell us about the historical accuracy of the Bible? Join host Dr. Chris Sinkinson as he visits the sites of the Holy Land.

Nuno’s Story | Christianity Explored
"It was important to have someone who would take my questions and would help me understand." - Nuno Bandera

Rob’s Story | Christianity Explored

Kateryna’s Story | Christianity Explored

Isn’t The Church Full of Hypocrites?

Is The Truth Relative or Absolute?

Jill’s Story | Christianity Explored

What’s the best future you could imagine?

There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

Hope Explored looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

Watch the first two parts here, or find more information on the Hope Explored course.